Alzheimers Care Pittsburgh – 10 Facts You Must Know About This Disease

When Alzheimer’s disease strikes, it is like that someday has arrived. Our loved one may no longer seem like the same person we knew and may not even know who we are. These are some Alzheimer’s facts.

1. Alzheimer’s disease destroys brain cells. This destruction results in problems with memory and rational thought processes. Alzheimer’s is named after a German doctor, Alois Alzheimer who described this disease in 1906. Alzheimer’s hampers communication between neurons in the brain and makes it difficult for a person to function properly.

2. The chances of Alzheimer’s increases steadily after age 65. However, early onset Alzheimer’s does occur. We are talking about a very different type of memory loss. It is not the type of memory loss associated with normal aging.

3. More than 5 million Americans now have Alzheimer’s. Chronic memory loss may be the first evidence that Alzheimer is present, although initial symptoms can vary with the individual.

4. Patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease frequently demonstrate radical changes in behavior. They are unable to take care of themselves and often become confused around people.

5. Some sufferers no longer have pleasure doing things they always loved to do. Unfortunately, some even lose the ability to recognize their loved ones.

6. Scientists are doing Alzheimer’s research to learn as much as they can about this horrific disease.

7. Both drug and nondrug Alzheimer’s treatment exist, which can help to alleviate the impact of symptoms, but there is currently no cure. Often, times, Alzheimer’s disease is fatal.

8. The prevalence of this disease has caused Alzheimer’s to become a household word.

9. Alzheimer’s is a disease with many victims. Besides affecting the life of each individual it strikes, it also devastates family and loved ones. They too are victims because they watch the progress of Alzheimer’s cruel path as their loved one slowly declines due to the loss of their faculties, personality and disappearing memories.

10. In the early stages of the disease there doesn’t usually seem to be a problem with individuals doing well living at home. Eventually, even the most loving family will find it impossible to continue with such a huge responsibility. It will be necessary to begin to think about the long-term options that are available.

If you happen to be online doing a search for dementia care Pittsburgh, skilled care Pittsburgh, Alzheimer care Pittsburgh, senior care Pittsburgh, or senior care Pittsburgh, it may make sense for you to visit Care For Seniors, LLC. to learn about Alzheimers care Pittsburgh and what options are available for your loved one. Their website is