Options Training Education

Charles Cottle, “The Risk Doctor”

The Risk Doctor is the Professional that the Professionals learn from.  His teaching methods begin where the others leave off.  Charles Cottle teaches you to think like a market-maker, and makes NO empty promises of “The Holy Grail” trading styles like some other trainers have been known to do.

Charles Cottle is an Author, Lecturer, Teacher, Floor Trader, Financial Software Developer, Consultant, and  the Co-founder of ThinkorSwim, the best and perhaps the largest online Options Brokerage in the world.  As the Ri$k Doctor, he has made a career disseminating information on understanding Options Trading For The Real World.

This diverse background, and Three decades of experience, in the industry has brought Charles Cottle to the Internet, where everyone can benefit from his vast knowledge and experience.  Now, from your computer, you can join the Ri$k Doctor with his popular Books, Software Trading Tools, Webinars, and Live Coaching on the web site, and receive the important financial wisdom he shares on Options Training Education.

“Since my humble beginning on the Chicago Board Options Exchange in 1981 to current day, my mission has been to deliver the best options education and knowledge to Professional traders and Retail traders alike.”

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