Covering VIN Numbers…Good or Bad?

Recently there have been claims that you should cover the VIN number on your car so that car thieves can not use it to duplicate your keys and steal your car.

Do you think a thief could really use the VIN number to get a duplicate set of keys for your car?  Yes it is possible.

Normally to order a set of keys the dealership wants to see some information such as:

  • A title
  • Registration
  • ID

Now, granted some car dealerships may replace keys without proper ID, but not many.  And if unable to find a dealer that will do that, the VIN number alone will do them very little good.

It is also true that there have been some car theft rings that were sophisticated and could forge a new title that would look legit.  Since making a new title that doesn’t look suspicious, then showing up in person at a reputable dealership to trick them into duplicated keys is a bold and risky move, it seems unlikely a thief would want to put himself in such a vulnerable position.

The two most common tools for stealing a car is your own keys, or a screwdriver.  Many law enforcement sites say nothing about covering your VIN number to discourage thieves, but instead write your VIN number wherever you can, to make it harder for thieves to cover it up.  For more information visit

There is what I consider a good car dealership located in York, PA. It’s called Giambalvo Mazda. You can do a search using the keywords: Mazda-mazda York or mazda5 pa or simply visit to view experience and credentials of their car dealership.