Giving Your Business a Voice: Podcasting For Your Brand

What is podcasting? How can it affect your marketing and PR strategy?  Should you allocate media dollars to podcasting? Why should YOUR business understand the world of podcasting?

Podcasting is like a radio talk show, only on the internet.  Or maybe even think of an audiobook, with the shows acting as separate chapters. Topics of these podcasts run the same gamut – some are hobby-based, i.e. hunting, scrapbooking, cooking. Some are niche-topics such as one of the most popular podcasts about actual murder cases, Serial, and some are based on current topics, from national to hyper-local.YaJagoff! Podcast


Podcasts are content that listeners consume, at their will, via the internet such as iTunes for Apple users and GooglePlay Music for Android users, as well as various “podcast networks” such as the iHeart Radio and Stitcher Radio apps.


Podcasts can be important to your business in two ways. First, they can be used to showcase your company’s expertise within your market segment. Think of it like blogging, but instead of reading, they’re listening.


Second, podcasts can be a way to promote your business. Like purchasing a radio ad or sponsorship, you can sponsor podcasts and align your brand with the brand, and followers, of a particular podcast.


One thing to note, some podcasts are hobbies for the hosts and some are businesses. So not all may have a regular production routine. But, one thing that is well noted in digital media research is that podcast listeners – because they are choosing to consume the content on their own time – are statistically proven to be a more dedicated listener; and willing to follow a call to action suggested by their favorite podcast host(s).


There are quite a few podcasters in the Pittsburgh Market including:

YaJagoff Podcast John Chamberlin & Rachael Rennebeck

No Bull$sh!# Podcast Dave Mastovich

The Broadcast Natalie Bencivenga & Kim Lyons

Going Deep with Aaron Watson– Aaron Watson

The Pitchwerks Podcast – Scot MacTaggart